Communication Experience
V Engineering Faculty
Academic Year 2023/2024
Course Communication Experience
Ing. Telecomunicazioni / Telecommunications Engineering [3 cfu]
Laurea Magistrale, 1st/2nd semester [Sept. 2023 - June 2024]
    The laboratory experience is done jointly with Prof. Arnaldo Spalvieri (Digital Communication). It consists of two phases, which are not necessarily made both by the single student: (1) the design, with the tools and libraries of Simulink - Matlab, of systems or parts of communication systems with an emphasis on the physical layer functions (modulation, demodulation, equalization, synchronization, pre-distortion, etc...) in devices for fixed and mobile communications applications (e.g. exploiting 5G Toolbox, Phased Array System Toolbox, Wireless HDL Toolbox), (2) the implementation and test of the design on SDR (Software Defined Radio) hardware platforms like ADALM-Pluto, which are well integrated in the Matlab environment. For this laboratory activity it is advised the attendance of the courses Digital Communications and/or Wireless Communications. 
Office hours Luca Reggiani is at Dip. di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria.

Office hours: Tuesdays, Building 20, 3rd floor, room 321, 11.00-13.00. Mondays, 13.30-15.30 [online].

Tel.: 02 2399 3442

Skype: lreggiani

Course tutors   Laboratory: Alberto Facheris (
Course notes   The lab material will be available on the WeBeep page of the course.
Lab projects

The 2023-24 available projects.
Impulse Radio transceiver for localization
The project aim is the design and implementation of a transceiver for Impulse Radio (IR) communications; the implementation will be based on the ADALM Pluto SDR board, supported by the Matlab libraries. Impulse radio transmission is based on the modulation (of amplitude and or position) of streams of pulses; specific code sequences for the amplitudes (and/or time hopping sequences for the positions) are allocated to different devices for the realization of the multiple access. Impulse Radio has its current main practical application in the Ultra-Wide Band spread-spectrum technology, which has properties that make it an excellent candidate for short-range communications in dense multipath environments. Potential applications are in the field of sensor networks, environment sensing, short range radar, ranging / localization. A technology based on IR can be found in the IEEE 802.15.4a standard. A renewed interest for UWB-IR communications has been growing in the context of localization (especially for vehicular communication and Industrial IoT) and THz communications.
J.R. Barry, E.A. Lee, D.G. Messerschmitt, "Digital communication", Kluwer Academic.
A. Goldsmith, "Wireless Communications", Cambridge Univ. Press.
D. Tse, P. Viswanath, "Fundamental of Wireless Communications", Cambridge University Press.
J. Proakis, "Digital Communications", McGraw Hill.
S. Haykin, "Digital Communications", John Wiley & Sons. 
Other material   Introductory material on digital and wireless communication is available upon request.
Matlab / Simulink programs Matlab programs used for the projects can be found in the WeBeep portal.
Exam rules Each 1-2 weeks a meeting is planned among all the lab participants in order to verify the status of the project and update the tasks assigned to each one. The final assessment (positive or negative) is based on the following criteria: (i) the participation to the meetings and activities of the lab, (ii) the verification of the achievements according to the project steps agreed in the meetings.
Last update: Sept. 2023